Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Crossing The Line

"There is a generation that is pure in its own eyes, yet is not washed from its filthiness."
Proverbs 30:12

There is a parental discipline technique that has been passed on from one generation to the next.  My parents did it, and I'm sure their parents did it.  It doesn't work, yet it seems every parent at one time or another uses it.  I have seen it used at home, in stores, at church, in cars, and I'm betting it is used in many different cultures and tongues.  I'm speaking of the dreaded count to three technique, as in, Bobby stop doing, two, three!  I think there must be some power in the number three, why not say, Bobby, I'm going to count to twelve!  It all begins of course with a strong "one", when the offense has just begun.  When things intensify and clear disobedience is occurring, the count of "two" is given.  If the count gets to "three", it must be done with a shout, and it has become clear that little Bobby has crossed some line set up by mom and dad, hopefully some sort of discipline will follow.  Like I said it really doesn't work, but it illustrates that mom and dad are saying to the child that there is a line of disobedience or rebellion set, that cannot be crossed without some sort of consequences.  Having said that, its important for us to know that God does not count to three.  He has commands and standards and expects that we obey.  He is very clear in setting the standards, and what the consequences of disobedience are.  Man has never been able to live up to God's standards and God has clearly shown that He is patient and long-suffering toward this sinful world.  Yet, I have wondered many times if we as mankind have crossed the line of arrogance and mutiny, and that God, will finally in one instant say enough, the line has been crossed.  I just read of what I see as a line crossed, that grieves my heart.  There is some web-site I've never heard of called, please stay away from it, my guess is its trashy.  Well, this site has introduced to the internet world a couple, Pete and Alisha Arnold.  Alisha is said to be 17 weeks pregnant, and the Arnolds have decided to let the people who visit the sight vote as to whether they should keep the baby until birth, or abort the baby.  I don't have the right words to reflect my heart.  My only solace and hope is that this is just some fake publicity stunt, because I can't fathom that it would be real.  Still, it is a sad commentary on the depth to which the morality of our society has fallen.  That a couple would think of it, that a web-site would publish it, and that people would vote on it, just screams out that we have crossed the line.  That is the sad news, the good news is that this world is still under God's grace, and that this is the same rebellious world that Jesus died for.  His love is such that He is even today, wooing this world unto salvation.  How amazing that you and I have been raised up in this generation to bring forth the message of God's grace and salvation in Jesus.  May these days drive us to pray, to intercede, and share the gospel.  Alan Redpath had an exhortation that I keep filed away, it reminds me of the task set before us this very day, his exhortation was, "chin up, knees down!"

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