Monday, August 23, 2010

Go For It

1 Kings 11:6 "Solomon did evil in the sight of the Lord, and did not fully follow the Lord, as did his father David."

Since I'm not a surfer it's hard to use a surfing analogy.  The story fits my point perfectly, but I'm afraid the terms may not be in perfect surfer expressions, so I will apologize in advance to the surfers.  Anyway, so this dude was telling me about a totally awesome swell that had come in.  The waves were as big as he had ever surfed in, he was like, totally afraid, but having a marvelous time.  So, like, there was this one set that he was out in that had him totally freaked out.  He paddled to catch this one wave, and as he got ready to ride it, he realized this was the biggest mongo wave he had ever been on.  He was paralyzed for a second, and then in another second knew that he had to make some sort of total commitment or be crushed.  He had to paddle forward without reservation and catch the wave, or pull back and get out of the wave.  If he was halfhearted either in moving forward or pulling back, he would for sure be pummeled by the mongo wave.  Well, the reason why he was telling me the story was because he chose to fully commit to paddle into the swell, and he caught the wave for one of the most fearful and exciting rides of his life.  I have actually heard this same type of story from many surfers.  These great ride adventures all seem to turn on a split second decision.  The surfer has to I in, or am I out?  Whichever way is decided, in or out, there has to be full commitment, for to be halfhearted is to get crushed.  What a most excellent picture of our relationship with the Lord.  Jesus has called us to be fully committed in following Him.  His lordship requires complete surrender to Him and nothing less.  To dabble in Christ is to get crushed in the world's swells.  To play at Christianity, especially in the days we are in, is misery.  Jesus' call to us leaves no room for halfheartedness.  So dude, are you in, or are you out?  If you are in, then go for it with all your heart, you'll be in for the greatest ride ever.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

I'm Younger Then That Now

Matthew 18:3-4 "Assuredly, I say to you, unless you are converted and become as little children you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven.  Therefore whoever humbles himself as this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven."

What an eye opening command Jesus gives us here, we are commanded to "become as little children".  Notice He doesn't say we are to be childish or act like children, but to "become as children".  The obvious application for us is easy to grasp.  Little children are in a place of dependence and trust, and we are to be as children in our trusting in, and depending upon the Lord.  I believe there is another application for us to consider.  In most children there is a blessed innocence and joy.  To children, life is grand, they find adventure in the small things, and excitement in the ordinary.  Discovery is right outside on the back patio, with ants and snails and spider webs.  I'm so glad that Jesus' didn't command us to become as an old boring fuddy duddy.  His precept to us is to become as children, to depend upon Him, to trust in Him, to cast our cares upon Him, and to embark on daily adventures as we walk in His ways.  Back in my high school days I remember a line from a song by a popular group, The Byrds.  I don't remember the title of the song, or even most of the words, but one line stuck out to me.  The line went something like this: "ah, but I was so much older then I'm younger then that now".  To me the line was saying, I want to keep getting younger, not immature or childish, but more as a child.  I want to stay young in the Lord, to grow in dependence and trust.  I want to be less weighted down by the cares of this world, and to regain the thrill of a simple life lived for Jesus.  What excitement and discoveries might He have in store for those who would dare to live in childlike faith each day.  We are never called to be old geezers for Jesus, so today let's obey His command and be His kids.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Too Big For Your Britches

Psalm 9:19-20 "Arise, O Lord, do not let man prevail; let the nations be judged in Your sight.  Put them in fear, O Lord, that the nations may know themselves to be but men."

Man's biggest problem from the beginning of time has been pride.  Our first sin of rebellion and disobedience was spurred on by pride, manifested in wanting to be like God.  From that day until now, every man has the heart to be his own little god.  Even in our early years we proved this out.  When I was a youngster my mom used to tell me I was acting too big for my britches.  I'm still not sure exactly what that means, but I got the point.  I suppose if the movie Top Gun had been released in those days, she might have used the line....Terry, your ego is writing checks your body can't cash.  She didn't really need to to explain the meaning of the saying, because I knew exactly what my attitude was like.  I was being a prideful spoiled little brat.  I was wanting to do what I wanted, when I wanted, and was attempting to be my own little god.  Even today I can get too big for my britches.  You'd think I would have learned by now, that my worst days are those days lived for me, and my biggest problems are those authored by me.  The psalmist prayed, "do not let man prevail".  In truth we need to make that very personal, and pray, Lord don't let me prevail.  The psalmist also said, "may they know themselves to be but men".  Again, I need to take that to heart and pray, Lord help me to remember that I am but man and You are God.  The issue for us daily, is who will call the shots in my life?  Will today be a too big for my britches day, or a day lived in dependence upon God?  Oh what a blessed day as you would allow Jesus the Lordship of your life and allow His will to prevail.

Monday, August 2, 2010

You Are Not Just A Number

Psalm 33:5 "The Lord looks from heaven; He sees all the sons of men.  From the place of His dwelling He looks on all the inhabitants of the earth; He fashions their hearts individually; He considers all their works."

I had to call a company to get some banking information, and I experienced the same trial that many of you have experienced.  I wanted to talk to a real live person, hoping it might accomplish more.  After listening through all the options and punching all the right numbers, I was put on hold for a long while.  I determined not to lose my place in line so I remained holding for what seemed like an hour, though I'm sure it was much less than that.  I listened to some great music, that was every so often interrupted by a commercial telling me of all the benefits I have because I'm doing business with the company that has me on hold for so long.  When at last I was able to speak to a real person, I identified myself and told her what I needed.  She didn't respond to what I needed, but straight away began asking me for all the numbers that would coincide with who I was.  Can I have your account number?  Can I have your phone number?  Can I have the last four number of your social security number?  Can I have your account security password number?  No that's not it sir......oops, try this sir that's not it either....oh boy, try this.....that's it ,well Terence how might I help you.  You all know the drill, and for me there is nothing like that warmth I get from being known by a bunch of numbers, and by the name Terence.  In fact, the only folks who ever called me Terence were the nuns back in my Catholic school days, talk about warm memories!  On this occasion the lady on the line was not able to help me, so she directed me to a web site for more personal service.
You may wonder at times, with all the people in the world, does God really know you?  Does He know your thoughts, your hurts and doubts, your laughter and smiles?  The answer is yes!  Some of the most precious teachings we have from Jesus are those that reveal to us just how much God loves us and cares for us a individuals.  When  teaching us to pray, Jesus has us refer to God as Father, and He gives us the example of praying using the more personal term of Abba or Dad.  Jesus tells us that the Father knows every sparrow that lives, and if He knows a sparrow that is worth perhaps a penny, how much more does the He know us, because we are of such great value to Him.  Our Lord said, that God knows us so well that even the hairs on our heads are numbered (insert bald joke here).  Finally just think of the great price the Father paid in sending Jesus to die for us, that we might have fellowship with Him.  Never think that you are just a number to God, He knows you well and has loved you with His everlasting love.