Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Start Today

"And do this, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep; for now our salvation is nearer that when we first believed."  Romans 13:11

Today I saw a sign over a man's desk that gave a great challenge.  The sign gave a simple two word message...."start today".
Right around the first of the year I picked up an article on New Years resolutions.  The article focused on the number one resolution, which is to go on a diet to lose weight.  It took an interesting angle in looking at success in dieting, based on what day of the week you began the diet.  A study was cited that indicated that it didn't seem to matter much what day of the week you started, except they did find, that the highest number of diets that failed were started on Mondays.  The feeling was that those who put things off, are not really serious about what they are putting off, and if your going to put something off, you'll usually put it off until Monday.  The point they made in the article was that those who are really serious about dieting, start right away.
How is your relationship with the Lord?  If you are not happy with your spiritual walk, if you feel you need to be more disciplined and spend more time in prayer and in the word.  Don't tell yourself that you will start getting serious on Monday, or when things slow down, or as soon as you finish this or that.  The great need for us all is to be strong in the Lord, and to be spiritually disciplined.  There is no better time to begin than now.  Don't put it off, let's start today!

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