Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Call Me Dad

"...but you received the Spirit of adoption by whom we cry out, Abba, Father." Romans 8:15

I played catch on Sunday for the first time in a long time, and two days later my shoulder is a bit sore.  The playing catch was part of our Father's day celebration and I totally loved it.  I couldn't keep from smiling as I remembered the joy of many hours of playing catch with my kids as they grew up.  The only sad part for me, is that years ago my shoulder never hurt a couple of days after playing catch!
The day got me thinking about the call of fatherhood and what a great privilege it is.  As I was pondering fatherhood a thought struck me that at first didn't seem like a big deal, but then I realized it might be a big deal after all.  It hit me that my children have always called me Dad.  They have never called me "Father", or "Sir", or "Pastor", or "Your Highness", they have always called me Dad.  It might not seem to be a big deal to you, but to me it speaks of a closeness of relationship, a familiarity, a friendship.  There was no doubt that I took the role of Father, with authority and headship in the home, but they called me Dad, and I would feel odd if they called me anything else.
A reflection of God's heart for us is that He would have us to know Him as Father, and even more as Abba, or Dad.  As Father we know Him as that One to whom we submit to, as He guides, protects, and even disciplines us.  As Dad He would have us know Him intimately in warmth and communion, One who we might even have fun playing catch with.
As a Dad my heart is melted to think that the God of the universe desires to have a Dad type relationship with me.  I wonder what joy we forfeit when we fail to cultivate a loving, close, familiar friendship, with or wonderful Heavenly Dad.  Today take the time to sit with Him, know His voice, enjoy His presence, and rest in His care.

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