Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Glory in Tribulations

"And not only that, but we also glory in tribulations,
knowing that tribulation produces perseverance;" (Romans 5:3).

As I write this, I realize you might think I'm a tad silly, but August mornings have had a unique affect on me for quite a while. The warm humid feel and unique scent of the new day give it away. Even without a calendar, my body tells me it's August, and my adrenaline starts to flow a bit.

When August hits, my ingrained memory kicks in and reminds me that this was the time of year I needed to work harder, be more disciplined, to push myself a little more, to lift, run, sweat, and hurt, because football was just around the corner!

You see, for me, August had become the time to really train seriously for the upcoming football season. I would purposely begin to introduce tribulation into my life by adding resistance to my weight training, distance to my long runs, and upping the tempo of my short runs. The extra work was difficult, but I knew the labor was worth it, as it built my endurance and made me stronger for the season ahead. This tribulation was, actually, good for me.

God allows, and sometimes introduces tribulation into our lives and this is not a dreadful thing, for we are assured that in Christ tribulation produces good things. This is one of the great wonders of walking in Jesus, even difficult circumstances, hurtful trials, and tribulations are used to bring forth good fruit. We are promised that all things are used to strengthen and mature us, to conform us more into the image of Christ.

How odd it sounds, but we are to glory even in tribulation, for God is faithfully at work, and even that trial will produce great fruit in you. Trust the Lord and...have a fruitful August!

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