Monday, April 14, 2014

Vigilant Prayer

"Continue earnestly in prayer,
being vigilant in it with thanksgiving;"
Colossians 4:2

I can't remember ever doing this, but I'm sure some of you have had this happen to you. You're in a conversation with someone and while the other person is speaking, a thought enters your brain or you get distracted, and stop listening. They continue to speak thinking they have your ear, but they don't, your expression may say you are listening but your attention isn't there. Then the unthinkable happens, the other person stops speaking and you realize they just asked you a question. They're waiting for an answer from you and all they get is a blank stare, because you have no clue what they asked. Of course I'm teasing when I say that I've never done that, it's happened and I've been embarrassed, and we can all agree it's a bit rude. I bring this up so that we can apply it to our conversations with God in prayer.

The Apostle Paul uses the word vigilant when speaking of our prayers for good reason. It means to be awake and watchful & to pay strict attention. If you're in prayer it's very important to be vigilant because you are in a conversation with God. Think about that for a moment, you are talking to and hearing from the God of the universe, this great privilege deserves our full attention. Even as I write this I feel conviction for the number of times I have been distracted or let my thoughts wander while praying. I cringe when I realize there are times in my prayers I've been disrespectful to my Jesus.

We all recall the apostles falling asleep in the garden when Jesus had asked them to be praying. If there was ever a time they should have been vigilant in prayer it seems it would have been that night in Gethsemane, but the weakness of their flesh got the best of them. Knowing that we all share in this same weakness, it would be wise to determine to be more serious and disciplined in prayer, giving the Lord our best time and attention. The Holy Spirit knows our weakness also, thus the command to be vigilant, for when we are strong in prayer we are strong in the Lord. When you pray, be alert and watchful!

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