Sunday, May 18, 2014

Spiritual Dehydration

"So shall my word be that goes forth from My mouth;
 it shall not return to Me void, but it shall accomplish what I please, and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it," (Isaiah 55:11).

I was at a picnic the other day with an innumerable amount of children. The day was warm which seemed to slow down the adults, but had little affect on the children. While watching the endless action, I noticed one wise and caring mom, who very consistently called her little daughter over to her to drink some water. Mom felt the heat of the day, and saw her toddler's constant playing.  She didn't wait for her to get thirsty and ask for water, she just lovingly kept her red-faced little one hydrated.

No doubt you know this, but please allow me to be that mom to you. Are you busy, under stress and endlessly running around in these hot days? You need to be drinking in the word of God, don't wait until you are parched and thirsty, drink now! It is so very important for your spiritual health that you partake of the word not once or twice a week, but daily, and perhaps several times a day. Like that little flush-faced girl, you need to be called out of what you are doing and be nourished.

Spiritual dehydration can creep in to your life without you even realizing it, so be disciplined in taking in God's word

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