Saturday, February 15, 2014

All In

When He had called the people to Himself, with His disciples also,
He said to them, "Whoever desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me." Mark 8:34

I saw some athletes wearing matching shirts with their team motto written in capital letters on the back. I've seen the two word motto used before and I like the message, because it's a simple but powerful call to total dedication. On the back of the shirts it just said "ALL IN".

When Jesus calls us unto Himself, His call is one that calls us to be
"ALL IN". The Lord doesn't play around when He calls us to follow Him. When Jesus uses the term, pick up the cross, it literally means to be willing to die, and that is not being partially in, or mostly in, but "ALL IN".

I just saw a new Gallup poll that said the 70% of Americans are very or moderately religious. I understand what it is to be very religious, but I have to wonder, what is it to be moderately religious? Is it really possible to be moderately religious? I look at religious commitment to be somewhat like the marriage commitment, is it possible to be moderately married? I really believe a core weakness of the church in these days is a refusal to count the cost of being true followers of Jesus.

Jesus is very clear, there is no such thing as being moderately Christian. If you are going to follow Jesus, He calls you to be "ALL IN". Lord Jesus, every one of us is weak, revive our strength by Your Spirit that we may put away any half-hearted lukewarm ways and follow you with all our might. Amen!

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