Saturday, February 8, 2014

Heart of Flesh


"Then I will give them one heart, and I will put a new spirit within them,
and take the stony heart out of their flesh, and give them a heart of flesh."
Ezekiel 11:19

The heart of man's problem is the heart of man. We can come up with the most well-designed, reasonable and intellectual arguments, but if the heart of the listener is callous, the argument will fall flat. Billy Graham tells the story of when he spent a long time answering the questions of a college student. He finally asked the young man if he would commit his life to Jesus if his questions were all answered. The student said that he wouldn't, and so Billy knew his issue was not one of the head, but one of the heart.

In my years of ministry, I have seen over and again that even sound Godly wisdom, and direct bulls-eye preaching have no affect on the hardened heart. The preaching and wisdom just bounce off the heart like a dart striking a brick wall. The stony heart needs to be replaced with a heart of flesh, and that miracle begins with our prayers.

We are all called into the heart-changing business, which would lead us to wrestle and weep and plead with those we love. Let us begin by wrestling and weeping and pleading in prayer.

May God break out hearts to bring others to our Savior's love, the only love that can soften hearts

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