Thursday, March 27, 2014

Corruptible Knees

"For this corruptible must put on incorruption,
and this mortal must put on immortality."
1Cor. 15:53

A few days ago I was going for a short three-mile run. I was very happy, it was a warm day and I was running outside on the streets for the first time after a foot injury. I was feeling really good and had gone a little over a mile, when suddenly out of nowhere there was a sharp pain in my right knee that shot up to my hip. My first reaction was... what now! I kept running and limped a bit until the pain subsided, I was able to finish the run feeling great, but still have no clue what happened with my knee.

The incident got me thinking about 1 Corinthians 15:53 as I was reminded that I have corruptible knees and a mortal body.

Paul refers to our bodies as corruptible and mortal because our bodies are decaying and they won't last forever. The day we are born we start to age, this aging isn't bad at first, in fact I used to look forward to birthdays and getting older! I'm not sure at what age I decided that getting older wasn't such fun, I just know it was a few birthdays ago.

Many see this aging process as depressing, but as Christians it's not depressing, for we have an eternal perspective. We understand that these bodies of ours are temporal, but in Christ, one exciting glorious day we will be clothed with incorruption and immortality. That day...that glorious day isn't here yet, so until then, let that aching knee and sore back remind you that your body and the things of this earth are passing away. Therefore, set your hearts not on that which is earthly and passing away, but on Jesus, the heavenly and the eternal.

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