Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Creation Groans

"Because the creation itself also will be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of
the children of God." Romans 8:21

Man's original sin in the garden had an impact not only on Adam and Eve and humanity, but also on all of creation.  After sin came death and a curse upon all creation.  For the first time the earth was not right, there would be thorns and thistles, weeds and fungus.  What was once a perfect environment of peace and safety had become harsh and dangerous.  The Bible says 'that the whole of creation groans and labors with birth pangs together until now.'

It is amazing to me that nature is under a curse and yet there is still such beauty.  I so enjoy streams and waterfalls, rainbows and sunsets, but as lovely as they all are, I'm reminded that they are still not perfect.  Think of the most awe inspiring or beautiful work of creation you have seen and consider how marvelous it will be when it is no longer under the curse.

The beauty of nature gives us just a glimpse of God's artistry and creativity.  His creation stirs a longing for that day when Jesus returns and all things are made right again, and we will take in the unbound beauty of His creation.  What a time of praise it will be!

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