Monday, June 1, 2015

Chin Up

 "For they all were trying to make us afraid, saying, 'Their hands will be weakened in the work, and it will not be done.'  Now therefore, O God, strengthen my hands."  Nehemiah 6:9

Nehemiah's enemies were relentless in trying to halt the rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem.  A main tactic used was to bring fear upon the people so as to weaken their resolve and overwhelm them.  The enemy mocked, threatened, lied, and even hired some false prophets, all with the hope of stirring up fear to stop the work.  Notice the great example of Nehemiah, he wasn't distracted or afraid, he just called out to the Lord and went back to work!

The enemy that withstood Nehemiah is the same enemy who would seek to halt God's working in our lives.  He would seek to bring fear and discouragement to weaken our resolve in pursuing the Lord's best.  If fear is creeping in, turn your thoughts and heart heavenward to our victorious King, call out to the Lord, and get back to work. 

Alan Redpath had a saying that I love using to muster courage in myself and others.  To hearten one in the midst of a battle, Redpath would say, "Chin up, knees down."  Don't be afraid, take a powerful stance for battle, knees on the ground in prayer, and eyes fixed on the Lord!

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