Tuesday, February 9, 2010


I've heard a few pro-life folks complaining about the Focus on the Family Tim Tebow ad on the Super Bowl telecast.  I have to admit when I first saw it, I was a bit disappointed.  But upon further review (clever football analogy), I had a change of heart.  I think my disappointment stemmed from all of the pre-ad hype.  There was plenty of press coverage, there were threats and accusations, and the pro-abortion crowd was saying that CBS should not run the ad because it was dangerous and anti-women.   All of the controversy got me in a fighting mood, I couldn't wait for Sunday, and not because of the game.  I knew the ad was running in the first quarter, so I sat a little nervous waiting for Tim and his mom to come out throwing pro-life blows.  I anticipated an aggressive attack on abortion, sort of a counter-punch for all the pro-abortion antics I'd been subjected to for the past two weeks.  What I then saw was a sweet, loving mom telling us that life is precious, not one punch was thrown, and abortion wasn't even mentioned.  I'm not an expert on using mass-media to reach people, but I'm sure that those who did the commercial know more about it than me, they took a step of faith and chose a subtle approach.  My disappointment came because I was told there was going to be a fight at the bike racks and one of the kids wouldn't fight, he had a better idea.  By the way, Focus on the Family never said there would be a fight, they just said don't judge the ad until you see it.  Focus didn't cop out, and they aren't afraid.  They have taken the lead in the battle against same-sex marriage, pornography, gambling, and most certainly abortion.  They have been at this a long while, and I trust that they put a great deal of prayer into it, so let's cut them some slack.  I believe if I hadn't heard all of the hoopla beforehand and saw the ad fresh, that I would have been thrilled that Tim and his mom, in the midst of screaming chickens, go daddy, and beer can houses, were able to share a brief message of life.  Focus on the Family and the Tebow's took a big step of faith.  I'm praying that through that faith many eyes will be opened, and little lives saved.


  1. Amen... an excersize in prejudice on one hand set on it's ear by a true act of love.

  2. Some approaches put people on the defensive. What I liked about the ad is that if focused on the fruit of obedience. Being in England, I knew nothing about the add until I saw it.

    If we come out wearing boxing gloves, there is sure to be a fight. If we come out letting the beauty and wisdom of obedience shine, it takes the issue out of the defensive fighting ring and causes people to wrestle with the issue within their own hearts, and this is where battles are won. Letting our good works shine before men that when they see them, they respond giving glory to the Father (Matt 5:16). By God's grace, in the end, a heart will be won by the Gospel, and not just an argument.
