Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Wise Love

Philippians 1:9 "And this I pray, that your love may abound still more and more in knowledge and all discernment."

The grocery store is a great place to witness interesting parenting skills.  It seems most times I'm in some local store I'll be treated to a parent either over disciplining or under disciplining or entertaining a child.  Poor mom or dad are just doing whatever they can to quickly get enough for dinner, and get out of the store with some sanity intact.  Now that my kids are grown it's fun to observe.  I forget what aisle I was on, but I saw a round little boy tugging at his mom wanting some snack he was holding.  The boy was very tenacious and kept asking, even though mom was saying no and trying to ignore himI kept my eyes on the shelves but was paying close attention to the drama, because I wanted to see if mom would stick to her guns.  I was rooting for mom not to give in, so I was a bit disappointed when she caved.  The worst thing about her letting him get the snack was what she said to him.  She said something like this..."well ok you can have it but only because I love you".  I know when it comes down to it, it was none of my business, but I was so tempted to pull mom aside and give her a little advice.  I wanted to tell her that to say no to your son is very loving, and sometimes more loving than saying yes.  I would have liked to explain how a simple "no" might be hard right now, but would pay dividends later down the line.  If I was feeling extra bold I would have quoted the above verse and given her a mini Bible study, right there in Ralphs.  The lesson would have been simple, and would have applied to us all.  We need to learn and discern how best to love.  Love can be difficult, it's not always warm and fuzzy.  Love says no, love rebukes and confronts, and love at times may appear unloving to the person to whom it is extended.  The most powerful love requires a heavenly discernment, so that we might know how best to love.  I didn't give mom a sermon, and I'm sure she loves her son, it just seemed at that moment that her love was not in knowledge and all discernment.  Lord, teach us how to love, give us the wisdom we need to love as You would love.

1 comment:

  1. Good word.

    We can forget that to love someone is to commit to them and their ultimate good, not just their temporary wants. Real love will be willing to face the momentary displeasure of the beloved while working for their greater good.
