Friday, December 4, 2009

Salsa shopping

I was in a grocery store getting the makings for taco salad when I found the store didn't carry my favorite salsa.  This left me dazed in front of rows of salsa jars.  I never knew how many brands and styles of salsa there were.  Fortunately for me one of the brands really aided in my purchase.  You see right there on the jar it said "voted #1 worlds best tasting", well that settled it how could I chose anything less than #1.  I was actually pretty excited about getting home to taste this new salsa (I know I need to get out more!).  Well I tasted it and I was sorely disappointed, how could this have been voted #1 worlds best tasting?  Of course they don't tell us who voted, most likely the guy who came up with the recipe and his mom or people who like caviar and oysters.  The promise on the outside of the jar didn't match what was inside the jar.  I guess I'm just upset because I know better then to fall for empty promises.  Alas I've learned again, in fact just this morning I didn't fall for it when I heard on my car radio that I would never have a bad nights sleep again if I bought a certain mattress, which I'm sure was voted best in the world.  I also didn't fall for the next ad which promised weight loss without diet or exercise.  I am so glad that when God makes a promise we can be sure He will follow through, He's not trying to sell us anything or tickle our ears.  I give a hearty amen to what I heard a pastor say of God some years ago: "He says what He means and means what He says".  In 1Kings 8:56 Solomon proclaims "....There has not failed one word of all His promise, which He promised through His servant Moses."  There are no empty promises in God!  May you find peace and joy in the faithfulness of our loving Lord.

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