Tuesday, August 17, 2010

I'm Younger Then That Now

Matthew 18:3-4 "Assuredly, I say to you, unless you are converted and become as little children you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven.  Therefore whoever humbles himself as this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven."

What an eye opening command Jesus gives us here, we are commanded to "become as little children".  Notice He doesn't say we are to be childish or act like children, but to "become as children".  The obvious application for us is easy to grasp.  Little children are in a place of dependence and trust, and we are to be as children in our trusting in, and depending upon the Lord.  I believe there is another application for us to consider.  In most children there is a blessed innocence and joy.  To children, life is grand, they find adventure in the small things, and excitement in the ordinary.  Discovery is right outside on the back patio, with ants and snails and spider webs.  I'm so glad that Jesus' didn't command us to become as an old boring fuddy duddy.  His precept to us is to become as children, to depend upon Him, to trust in Him, to cast our cares upon Him, and to embark on daily adventures as we walk in His ways.  Back in my high school days I remember a line from a song by a popular group, The Byrds.  I don't remember the title of the song, or even most of the words, but one line stuck out to me.  The line went something like this: "ah, but I was so much older then I'm younger then that now".  To me the line was saying, I want to keep getting younger, not immature or childish, but more as a child.  I want to stay young in the Lord, to grow in dependence and trust.  I want to be less weighted down by the cares of this world, and to regain the thrill of a simple life lived for Jesus.  What excitement and discoveries might He have in store for those who would dare to live in childlike faith each day.  We are never called to be old geezers for Jesus, so today let's obey His command and be His kids.

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