Monday, August 23, 2010

Go For It

1 Kings 11:6 "Solomon did evil in the sight of the Lord, and did not fully follow the Lord, as did his father David."

Since I'm not a surfer it's hard to use a surfing analogy.  The story fits my point perfectly, but I'm afraid the terms may not be in perfect surfer expressions, so I will apologize in advance to the surfers.  Anyway, so this dude was telling me about a totally awesome swell that had come in.  The waves were as big as he had ever surfed in, he was like, totally afraid, but having a marvelous time.  So, like, there was this one set that he was out in that had him totally freaked out.  He paddled to catch this one wave, and as he got ready to ride it, he realized this was the biggest mongo wave he had ever been on.  He was paralyzed for a second, and then in another second knew that he had to make some sort of total commitment or be crushed.  He had to paddle forward without reservation and catch the wave, or pull back and get out of the wave.  If he was halfhearted either in moving forward or pulling back, he would for sure be pummeled by the mongo wave.  Well, the reason why he was telling me the story was because he chose to fully commit to paddle into the swell, and he caught the wave for one of the most fearful and exciting rides of his life.  I have actually heard this same type of story from many surfers.  These great ride adventures all seem to turn on a split second decision.  The surfer has to I in, or am I out?  Whichever way is decided, in or out, there has to be full commitment, for to be halfhearted is to get crushed.  What a most excellent picture of our relationship with the Lord.  Jesus has called us to be fully committed in following Him.  His lordship requires complete surrender to Him and nothing less.  To dabble in Christ is to get crushed in the world's swells.  To play at Christianity, especially in the days we are in, is misery.  Jesus' call to us leaves no room for halfheartedness.  So dude, are you in, or are you out?  If you are in, then go for it with all your heart, you'll be in for the greatest ride ever.

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