Monday, August 2, 2010

You Are Not Just A Number

Psalm 33:5 "The Lord looks from heaven; He sees all the sons of men.  From the place of His dwelling He looks on all the inhabitants of the earth; He fashions their hearts individually; He considers all their works."

I had to call a company to get some banking information, and I experienced the same trial that many of you have experienced.  I wanted to talk to a real live person, hoping it might accomplish more.  After listening through all the options and punching all the right numbers, I was put on hold for a long while.  I determined not to lose my place in line so I remained holding for what seemed like an hour, though I'm sure it was much less than that.  I listened to some great music, that was every so often interrupted by a commercial telling me of all the benefits I have because I'm doing business with the company that has me on hold for so long.  When at last I was able to speak to a real person, I identified myself and told her what I needed.  She didn't respond to what I needed, but straight away began asking me for all the numbers that would coincide with who I was.  Can I have your account number?  Can I have your phone number?  Can I have the last four number of your social security number?  Can I have your account security password number?  No that's not it sir......oops, try this sir that's not it either....oh boy, try this.....that's it ,well Terence how might I help you.  You all know the drill, and for me there is nothing like that warmth I get from being known by a bunch of numbers, and by the name Terence.  In fact, the only folks who ever called me Terence were the nuns back in my Catholic school days, talk about warm memories!  On this occasion the lady on the line was not able to help me, so she directed me to a web site for more personal service.
You may wonder at times, with all the people in the world, does God really know you?  Does He know your thoughts, your hurts and doubts, your laughter and smiles?  The answer is yes!  Some of the most precious teachings we have from Jesus are those that reveal to us just how much God loves us and cares for us a individuals.  When  teaching us to pray, Jesus has us refer to God as Father, and He gives us the example of praying using the more personal term of Abba or Dad.  Jesus tells us that the Father knows every sparrow that lives, and if He knows a sparrow that is worth perhaps a penny, how much more does the He know us, because we are of such great value to Him.  Our Lord said, that God knows us so well that even the hairs on our heads are numbered (insert bald joke here).  Finally just think of the great price the Father paid in sending Jesus to die for us, that we might have fellowship with Him.  Never think that you are just a number to God, He knows you well and has loved you with His everlasting love.


  1. God has our number even if we forget ours. How blessed we are to have a Father that knows everything about every one of His children!!!

    Thanks Pastor Terry!
    Frank long

  2. That's the confirmation i neede this morning.

    Thanks Pastor Terry!


    Charles Hill
