Monday, December 29, 2014

A Great New Year

"When you pass through the waters, I will be with you;
and through the rivers, they shall not overflow you. 
When you walk through the fire, you shall not be burned,
nor shall the flame scorch you." 
Isaiah 43:2

I was having lunch with a friend at a Chinese food restaurant, and after we finished eating we both cracked open our fortune cookies.  We both received good fortunes. My fortune said something about having a fulfilling and peaceful life, and his said that he would get to travel far and wide.  Of course neither of us took the cookie messages seriously, but it caused me to consider how grateful I am that I can look to the future with confidence because of the sure solid promises of God.

A new year is upon us and none of us know all that will take place, but we can enter this new year without fear, for God has promised that He will be with us.  No doubt, some will face circumstances that will sweep in like a flood or a fire, but rest assured, the Lord has promised the flood will not overflow you, and you will not be burned by the fire.

Our hope is not established by good fortunes found in cookies, or wishes, or happy thoughts.  We are established by the power and love of our gracious God.  By God's sovereignty we are blessed to be living in these amazing last days, and though it can get a bit crazy, as we set our focus on the Lord and His Word, His peace will reign.  He loves you, and He is doing a good work in you, so this is going to be a great year!

Monday, December 22, 2014

Come Join The Family

"The book of the genealogy of Jesus Christ,
the Son of David, the son of Abraham."
Matthew 1:1

The gospel of Matthew was written specifically for a Jewish audience, and has as its core theme, Jesus the King. 
The gospel begins with the genealogy of Jesus to show not only His humanity but also that He is from the kingly line of David.

Matthew includes women in the genealogy, which would not be typical especially when listing a royal lineage.  If the Holy Spirit's intent in the genealogy was to impress religious Jews these women would not have been included.  I believe the women being listed sends a wonderful message and an invitation that all can be part of The Kings family tree.

Tamar is in the family line of our Messiah and she is best known by bearing twins from her father in-law Judah.  Tamar was a prostitute from Jericho, and Ruth was from the despised people of Moab.  Bathsheba is mentioned and of course she is most known for her affair with David. Mary the mother of Jesus is in the genealogy and in those days she would not have been known at all, for she was a nobody from a nowhere town called Nazareth.

The blessed message of Christmas is that God truly has come as man, to save man. That God would have these women listed in the family line of His Son, gives such strong encouragement that we too can be part of His family.  The invitation has been extended, the door is wide open, come join the family!

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Not By Works

"Knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law but by faith in Jesus Christ, even we have believed in Christ Jesus, that we might be justified by faith in Christ and not by works of the law; for by the works of the law no flesh shall be justified."  Galatians 2:16

I was raised in a tradition that relied heavily on works.  I was taught and believed that I needed to keep up a steady flow of good works to remain in good standing with God.  If I blew it and sinned, I knew I had to do some sort of good works to make up for my failure.

I believed that Jesus died for my sins, but that my good works also played a part in my salvation.  I didn't understand at the time that relying on my own good works for salvation was an offense to the cross of Jesus.  Jesus' death on the cross accomplishes all that is needed for salvation, to teach that our good works are also needed, is akin to saying that Jesus didn't do enough on the cross.

Justification can be defined as the act of God whereby He declares the believing sinner righteous in Jesus Christ.  There is no room for our works in justification, it is an act of God in Jesus, as sinners we are to trust and receive the completed work of the Lord.


Monday, December 1, 2014


"He will again have compassion on us, and will subdue our iniquities.  You will cast all our sins into the depths of the sea" (Micah 7:19).

What a wonderful picture of the grace of God.  The prophet Micah speaks of God subduing iniquities, which literally means to trample down or crush.  How remarkable!  God does not broadcast our sins, or dangle them in front of us, or publish them on Facebook for the world to see. He chases them down, tramples them and casts them away into the depths of the sea.  Amazing grace how sweet the sound!

It is now the officially Christmas season.  I love the festivities of this season, the decorations, songs, fragrances, and even the shopping (not the parking!).  I'm sure you all know this, but let me remind you anyway. Christmas is not about the decorations and gifts, what will make this a truly joyous time is making sure we take the time to stop and ponder the grace of God in sending His Son.  Oh what great lengths God went to in subduing our iniquities. Our mighty Savior humbled Himself, became a man to trample down our sins, and cast them away from us.  Joy to the world!  

Monday, November 24, 2014

The Miracle of Israel

"For l will take you from among the nations, gather you out of all countries, and bring you into your own land." 
Ezekiel 36:24

The Jews had been dispersed throughout the world for two thousand years yet they somehow kept their Jewish identity and national identity.  What a blessed generation we are, for we have seen the promise of God to His people Israel fulfilled.  Against all odds His people from around the world have been drawn home to the land God had promised, and they are prospering, it is truly miraculous.

The return to the land is powerful evidence of the truth of God's word.  I read one who could only describe it as 'beyond remarkable!'  That there is an Israel today can only be by the hand of God.  As we consider this great miracle we ought to be stirred with expectation and excitement for the days we live in, for God is at work.

God's purpose for Israel is not complete for He did not just promise to bring them back to the land, but that He would then give them a new heart and a new spirit, and put His Spirit within them (Ezekiel 36:26-27).  The Jews have had a return to the land, and we must pray that soon they will have a return of heart.  The greatest need of Israel today is that they would turn to Messiah Jesus.  We have seen a marvelous work of God in bringing the people back to the land, and there are still more miracles to come.  Oh what days we are living in!

Monday, November 17, 2014

Checking Priorities

"You have sown much and bring in little; you eat, but do not have enough; you drink, but you are not filled with drink; you clothe yourselves, but no one is warm; and he who earns wages, earns wages to put into a bag with holes."
Haggai 1:6

Haggai was a prophet to the remnant of Jews who came out of the Babylonian captivity and returned to the land to rebuild the temple.  The job was difficult and soon the people turned from the restoration of the temple to building their own homes and establishing their own lives.  Returning to Israel was not easy, in fact it was very dangerous.  The remnant returned with a vision and great faith. In time,  that vision became blurry and their priorities changed, so God raised up Haggai and Zechariah to call them back.

Haggai called the people to recognize that they were working hard but getting nowhere, they were putting in effort yet accomplishing little.  The reason was that they had left the priorities of God and replaced them with their own.  Because they were going their own direction and not the Lord's, it was as if they were on a stationary bike, working hard and sweating... but getting nowhere.

It is so necessary for us to check and recheck our priorities to make sure that we have set God and His purposes first.  Distractions abound so it's easy to get off track and lose direction. Proverbs 3:6 gives us the simple solution, "in all your ways acknowledge Him," when we purposely seek to keep God first it keeps you in the right direction and saves from a lot of wasted effort. 

Monday, November 3, 2014

God's Math

And the Lord said to Gideon, "The people who are with you are too many for Me to give the Midianites into their hands, lest Israel claim glory for itself against Me, saying,
'My own hand has saved me'.
Judges 7:2

Gideon's army numbered thirty two thousand men, and it said that the Midianites couldn't be counted for they were as numerous as swarming locusts.  Israel was already greatly outnumbered, yet God said they had too many!  God trimmed down Gideon's army to three hundred and He promised deliverance through this small remnant.  The outcome of the battle was just as the Lord had promised and Gideon and his small army overwhelmed the Midianites by God's mighty hand.

We have the tendency to find security in numbers, and the more the better; more people, more in the bank account, more in savings, more assets, and more in the cupboards equals more security.  God wants His people to trust Him and to find safety in Him.  God's math is different than ours, He sees numbers different than us, and He wants us to learn that true security is indeed found in having more....more of Him. 

I love Gideon's example of faith for us, he never questioned or complained, and as the Lord subtracted his numbers, he just trusted.  Once when I was discouraged about low attendance at a prayer time, an elderly saint told me not to worry about numbers because  one person plus God equals a majority. He was right, we have a very big God, and if God is for us who can be against us.  Have no fear even if you're feeling outnumbered, you're not, your loving powerful Shepherd is with you, trust Him.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014


When Jesus heard it, He said to them, 'those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick.
I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.'
Mark 2:17

One of the main excuses given for not attending church is that the church is filled with 'a bunch of hypocrites'. I can't argue that the church has no hypocrites, but I heard one great response to that excuse. It was something like this:
saying you won't attend church because the church has hypocrites is like saying you won't go to a gym because so many people there are out of shape.

I  love the comparison between a gym and the church.  Of course there are people at the gym who are  out of shape! The very reason they are there is to get in shape. And, so it is at church...of course there are sinners at church, they are attending to get in spiritual shape.

The good news of the Gospel is that Jesus came to seek out and save sinners. He established His church that is inhabited by needy, imperfect people that need to get in shape.  There is no perfect church, just folks like you and me bearing with each other and loving each other as we work out together hoping to be more like Jesus. Oh, the wonder of Jesus church, what a blessing to belong...all are welcome!

Monday, October 20, 2014

We Need A Shepherd

 Revelation 3:19 "As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten.  Therefore be zealous and repent."

Jesus had some very harsh things to say to the church at Laodicea.  He sets forth a powerful rebuke telling them they were lukewarm, wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked.  Ouch!  The church actually thought they were doing quite well and really weren't lacking in anything.  I'm sure they were shocked by the scolding. In love, Jesus rebuked them that they might recognize their great need and repent.

Sheep are known to be very needy animals.  Sheep can't fend for themselves, they need help finding food and water, they have no natural defense like claws or sharp teeth, they are fearful, dull and get lost easily.  Sheep need a shepherd! Remember Jesus has chosen to refer to us as His sheep and it's not because we are like cute cushy pillows, it's because we are so very needy. 

Jesus rebuked the church at Laodicea because they had forgotten they were sheep and had made themselves independent of the Shepherd's care.  They had become wretched, miserable, poor and blind, because they somehow thought they were self-sufficient. We need to heed Jesus' warning and always remember we are needy sheep and to stay as close as we can to the Shepherd.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

The Scenic Route

 "Then Pharaoh took his signet ring off his hand and put it on Joseph's hand; and clothed him in garments of fine linen and put a gold chain around his neck."  Genesis 41:42

The life of Joseph was not a straight "Point A" to "Point B" life.  You might say that God's path for Joseph was the scenic route with twists and turns off of the beaten path.  The route that God had chosen for Joseph was not on some whim, but it was purposeful and constructive not only for Joseph personally, but for all of Israel.  When the journey reached God's intended goal, we see faithful Joseph had miraculously gone from slavery and imprisonment, to the second in command over all of Egypt.  Through it all, we see a young man without complaint trusting God's sovereignty over all the details of his life.

I have found that the Lord's scenic route in my life has always been for building maturity, trust, and preparing my life for His best.  His timing is always perfect and His methods never fail.  If you find yourself on the scenic route, don't fret, trust God's perfect sovereignty, He hasn't forgotten you and He will see you through!


Monday, October 6, 2014

God's Graceful Rules

 2 Timothy 2:5 "And also if anyone competes in athletics, he is not crowned unless he competes according to the rules."

In the 1980 Boston Marathon an unknown runner named Rosie Ruiz was the first female finisher.  Many were shocked that a runner no one ever heard of had won the race, plus her finishing time was the fastest ever run by a female competitor!  Race organizers became suspicious when spotters from the mile marks reported not ever seeing her run by.  When a reporter asked her how she trained to improve the finishing time from her last marathon by twenty-five minutes, Rosie simply said she woke up feeling stronger that morning.  It soon became apparent that Rosie had come up with her own rules and had not competed according to the rules set forth by the organizers of the Boston Marathon, and she was disqualified.

I was sharing the gospel with a woman, and when I shared that Jesus was the only way to salvation she stopped me.  She became very bold as she told me that her god was not so narrow as to only provide only one way to salvation, and that her god would never condemn anyone to hell.  This woman believed in sin and eternal life, but had placed all her hope for salvation in a god she had conjured and rules she made up.....pretty scary.

There is but one God and creator and He has set forth His plan for the salvation of man.  His plan is founded on His love for us, and His grace toward us in sending His Son Jesus to die in our place.  Our loving God has set forth a wonderful plan of salvation,and it's a free gift, but it's only one plan, through the one and only Savior Jesus Christ.  God as God, has set forth His rules, have you received His gift of salvation for you?

Wednesday, October 1, 2014


Your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying,
"This is the way, walk in it,"
Whenever you turn to the right hand
Or whenever you turn to the left.
Isaiah 30:21

I have a fairly calm disposition. I must say that my chill personality can quickly disappear in a crowded parking lot, or if I'm lost.  My personal record for being lost was when Sheila and I took an unplanned two-hour tour of Boston...just trying to find our hotel. Our fun tour resulted from trusting a possessed GPS in our rental car...not because of me!

Jesus calls us His sheep.  As His sheep we are in constant need of the Shepherd's guidance.  We can get lost so easily, and it's not because our Shepherd isn't leading; most often it's because we aren't alert & paying attention. Our ears may be dull, or we may be disinterested. It might  be a touch of willfulness, but it's never that our Shepherd doesn't care.

Are you seeking His guidance? His promise is sure. He will speak to you from His Word...are you listening?

Monday, September 29, 2014

Saved To The Uttermost

"Therefore He is also able to save to the uttermost
those who come to God through Him, since He
always lives to make intercession for them" (Heb. 7:25).

I was raised in a church where I never had assurance of my salvation. My security was based on Jesus dying for me, plus my church attendance, plus my good works.  Because I believed my salvation for a large part depended on me, I didn't know eternal security. What wonderful freedom when I at last learned and believed that in Christ I am saved to the  uttermost.

Uttermost means completely, entirely, wholly, and includes the element of time meaning always and forever.  Thank you, Lord Jesus that by your love and grace we are saved to the uttermost; what strong assurance!


Monday, September 22, 2014

Understanding The Times

 "Of the sons of Issachar who had understanding of the times,
to know what Israel ought to do"
(I Chronicles 12:32).

I overheard a conversation that a couple had over breakfast the other day.  The man was thumbing through the newspaper and grumbling the headlines out loud.  I guess it wasn't really a conversation, it was more a monologue as he read an inventory of all that is going on in the world.  He ended by folding the paper and saying, "What's going on?"

In the list of those who came to David when he first reigned as King in Hebron were some men from the tribe of Issachar who had an understanding of the times.  How valuable those men must have been for David in such a key season in the life of Israel.

 My prayer is that our church will be filled with men and women who are like those sons of Issachar.  Saints who can discern God's hand in the events of the day and have understanding in these crucial times.

This understanding and discernment doesn't just happen, it comes from an intimate  relationship with our God.  It is forged in our time alone with God, being immersed in His Word, listening for His voice.  It takes time and discipline, E.M. Bounds says, "God's acquaintance is not made by pop calls.  God does not bestow His gifts on the casual or hasty comers and goers."  Our insight grows as we spend more time with the Lord.

More and more people are going to be asking, "What's going on?"  In this season more than any other, we need to sit at the Lord's feet and hear His voice that we may discern and proclaim clearly His working in preparation for Jesus' return.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Creation Groans

"Because the creation itself also will be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of
the children of God." Romans 8:21

Man's original sin in the garden had an impact not only on Adam and Eve and humanity, but also on all of creation.  After sin came death and a curse upon all creation.  For the first time the earth was not right, there would be thorns and thistles, weeds and fungus.  What was once a perfect environment of peace and safety had become harsh and dangerous.  The Bible says 'that the whole of creation groans and labors with birth pangs together until now.'

It is amazing to me that nature is under a curse and yet there is still such beauty.  I so enjoy streams and waterfalls, rainbows and sunsets, but as lovely as they all are, I'm reminded that they are still not perfect.  Think of the most awe inspiring or beautiful work of creation you have seen and consider how marvelous it will be when it is no longer under the curse.

The beauty of nature gives us just a glimpse of God's artistry and creativity.  His creation stirs a longing for that day when Jesus returns and all things are made right again, and we will take in the unbound beauty of His creation.  What a time of praise it will be!

Monday, September 8, 2014

Out Of The Cave

 "The prophet Gad said to David, 'Do not stay in the stronghold; depart, and go to the land of Judah.'
So David departed and went into the forest of Hereth."
I Samuel 22:5

David was fleeing for his life from Saul and found safety in the cave of Adullam. The cave was a good safe place for David to hide, a good defensive position out of harms way and out of the reach of Saul. Because David was settled in a nice safe place it seems odd that the Lord would command him to leave the security of the cave and go back to Judah, yet that's what the Lord told David to do.

I love the faith of David. He did not complain nor hesitate in obeying the Lord. He was willing to leave his place of security and trust God. David by faith knew that his true defense was not in a cave but walking in obedience with the Lord, so he obeyed. If David had looked to the cave as a refuge rather than God, he would have limited how God could use him. It's difficult to lead as a king from a cave.

The world in which we live is not a safe place, and the temptation for us all is to take a defensive posture and seek a protective place. Be careful that you do not limit what God may have for you, remember He is the defender of your family, He is your strong tower and protector. Your safety is always found in following close to Him and He may be leading you out of the Him.

Monday, August 25, 2014

Take Heed

Therefore say to them, thus says the Lord God: 'None of My words will be postponed any more, but the word which I speak will be done,' says the Lord God. Ezekiel 12:28

"Take heed, watch and pray;
for you do not know when the time is."  Mark 13:33

In the early eighties there was a fervor concerning the return of Jesus, especially in the Calvary Chapel movement.  The Biblical prophesies were lining up, we were doing some Bible math on generations, and boy it sure seemed Jesus had to come soon.  We read our Bibles along with the headlines and with humble amazement we wondered at the days we were privileged to live in, and set our gaze to heaven.

I'm not getting nostalgic thinking back to the good ole eighties.  I'm thinking that though it's been some thirty years, we ought to be more excited than ever about the Lord's return!  The prophesies we saw in the eighties are being fulfilled with even more world government, one world economic system, cashless society, economic and political instability, the worldwide communication explosion, and so much more!  Of course the center piece of prophesy in our time is Israel, and you all know what's happening there even this week.

The day will come when God will say, 'None of My words will be postponed any more.'  Are you watching and praying?

Monday, August 11, 2014

Serve The Lord Alone

"They feared the Lord yet served their own gods, according to the rituals of the nations from among whom they were carried away." 2 Kings 17:33

There was a guy I worked with who I really enjoyed.  We were both married and had young children so we had a lot in common.  He had a great sense of humor and we had many a good laugh together.  He was a great guy but I knew by he wasn't a believer.  He knew where I stood with the Lord.  I would always look for opportunities to share Christ with him & pray for him.

One day during a long conversation, my chance came and I pounced.  I don't remember how we got around to it, but at a perfect moment I was able to ask him if he was a Christian.  His answer really took me off guard as he said, "of course I'm a Christian, I was born here in America."  I quickly tried to convince him that being born in America didn't make you a Christian, but he would have nothing of that.  He told me he owned a Bible, had visited a few churches, and loved Ronald Reagan, so of course he was a Christian.

I had a tough time trying to explain to my friend what it really meant to be a Christian because he sort of agreed with everything I said about the Gospel, he just didn't live it.  He thought God was cool and Jesus was cool and that made him a Christian. We ended our conversation with him stating that he was a Christian just not a fanatic like me.  I was so grieved by our conversation because it revealed that he feared the Lord but served his own gods.

If Jesus is your Lord, than He is your Lord.  You obey Him, serve Him, worship Him and live for Him.  There is no gray area or middle ground when it comes to Jesus being Lord of your life.  You can't confess Him and serve your own gods.  You can't live a double life, if He is Lord than commit to Him wholly.


Thursday, August 7, 2014

Watching And Waiting

 "But the wise answered, saying No, lest there should not be enough for us and you;
but go rather to those who sell, and buy for yourselves." Matthew 25:9

In His famous parable of the ten virgins, Jesus teaches the importance of watching and being ready for His return.  The five wise virgins were ready, they had oil for their lamps and were awake awaiting the arrival of the bridegroom.  The five foolish virgins had no oil for their lamps and they were sleeping instead of watching.

The lesson for us to apply is clear.  Oil in the scriptures is the symbol of the Holy Spirit, so when Jesus states that the wise virgins told the foolish to 'buy (oil) for yourselves' He is stating a sobering truth.  The oil of the Spirit is something you can't get from someone else.  You don't get the oil from just hanging out at church.  You can't get it from your parents or spouse or friends.  The oil of the Spirit comes from you having a living vibrant relationship with the Lord, constant in His word and in prayer watching and waiting, not being distracted or lazy.

Look around and take note of the things going on in the world, these are crazy days indeed.  Could it be that the Bridegroom is preparing to return?  This parable of the Lord ought to shake the soul. Do you have oil for your lamp?  Are you wide-awake and watching?

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Persistence In The Lord

"But they sent me this massage four times, and I answered them in the same manner." Nehemiah 6:4

One of the greatest examples found in the Bible of a faithful man is Nehemiah.  We can learn such valuable lessons from this man, as he answers the Lord's call to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem.  Nehemiah was under constant pressure from those who sought to thwart the Lord's work.  In the above verse we see that they didn't come at him just once, but four times. Earlier in the book we are told that messengers had come to bring fear and discouragement not four times, but ten times! Through it all Nehemiah remained faithful and the walls were completed.

Our enemy is very persistent.  It would be nice if he would try to tempt or discourage just once and then leave us alone.  But it is not so.  Our enemy is tenacious and doesn't play fair, if he senses you are weary he'll keep pressing.

There is no pain-free solution to the onslaught of the enemy. As we study Nehemiah, we see that he didn't panic or freak out or give in.  He just matched the persistence of the enemy with his own bulldogged persistence in the Lord.  We need to do the same.  In Christ we are already victorious, so we must steel our minds and hearts and stay the course.  Remember our foe is defeated and each attack of the enemy will serve to strengthen your faith.  Chin up, knees down!

Monday, July 21, 2014

Do The Possible

 "Therefore be patient brethren, until the coming of the Lord.  See how the farmer waits for the precious fruit of the earth, waiting patiently for it until it receives the early and latter rain" (James 5:7).

We are not a people who like to wait.  In fact, we have very little patience for anything slow....from our computers, phones, or even lines at Costco.  It doesn't seem to concern God that we don't like to wait. In fact, I'm sure He purposely makes us wait knowing it will mature and develop us.

There is an old saying that was frequently quoted at Calvary Chapel: You do the possible and God will do the impossible.  A good farmer is able to wait patiently for the precious fruit when he has been faithful to do the possible.  He has plowed, planted, watered, and pulled the weeds...and now, waits for the fruit of his labor.  He has no control over the seasons or weather, he is faithful to do the possible and trusts the Lord for things that are out of his control. 

If you are in a season of waiting, let it be a season of growing your faith.  Set your heart on the possible; pray, grab hold of His promises, worship Him, and trust His perfect timing.  As you do the possible, waiting can even be exciting as the Lord is so faithful to bring forth precious fruit to your life.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Eternal Or External

 "....For the Lord does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart." 1 Samuel 15:7

One of my neighbors was doing work on a car in his garage.  He had been working almost every night for weeks, and at times even had an audience watching him work.  I was curious and noticed he was working on a classic sports car that looked pretty sharp.  After some time I saw him working and walked up to say hi and get a closer look.  The car was indeed classic and really looked sharp, only it had one major problem, it had no engine.  He was putting in all this time and work on the car and the most important component of the car was missing, the unseen part, the engine!

My neighbor's car was a good parabolic reminder for me, that God cares more about the internal, than the external.  We are surrounded by a culture that obsess with the external, how one looks, rather who one really is.  We need to be wise and guarded that we view things as God views.  He is more concerned about your heart than about your hairstyle or fashions.  And I'm not just speaking to ladies, guys are just as concerned about the external. So check yourself and make sure you aren't just buffing and shining the outside while ignoring your walk with Jesus, which is the most important component of your life.

Monday, July 7, 2014

White Hats And Black Hats

"And no wonder!  For Satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light"

When I was growing up, my favorite movies were westerns.  One of the staples of these corny old cowboy movies was that it was very clear who the good guys were and who the bad guys were.  The good guys were clean-shaven with sparkling white teeth and usually donned a white hat.  On the other hand the bad guys looked scruffy and dirty and had probably never taken a bath or washed their clothes.  The bad guys would also mostly have black hats.  These old westerns usually made it pretty easy to tell the good guys from the bad guys.

The devil is not a character out of an old western.  Though he is evil to the core, he doesn't dress the part, he presents himself as a good guy.  He is clean-shaven with a white hat and friendly smile.  His methods promise life and health, but lead to death.  His deceit is such that he'd love to brew up poison, put it in a fancy package, and display it in the health food section.  We ought never forget that our enemy is wily.

When I worked retail I was trained to spot counterfeit bills by becoming very familiar with real bills.  For us, the best way to keep from being duped by the enemy is to become very familiar with the truth of God's Word.  The more we study the Word and commit it to mind and heart, the more crystal clear our discernment will be.  With the Word before our eyes we'll be able to distinguish between the good guys and bad guys no matter what color hat they might be wearing!


Monday, June 30, 2014

Preach The Word!

 "For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers;"
2 Timothy 4:3

The Lord uses His Word to guide, encourage and strengthen us. He also uses His Word to rebuke, correct and discipline us.  There are times when the Word uplifts and rejoices, there are also times when His Word breaks and convicts.  The Bible can be as a cozy blanket or it can be as a sharp pointed goad.  Our most natural inclination is to focus on the nice cozy passages, and stay away from the prickly convicting ones.  Therefore it is important not to avoid any portions of the Word, but be disciplined to study and grow from the entirety of Scripture.

Paul's warning in 2 Timothy 4:3 concerns the day when people will not tolerate the preaching of any portion of the Word that makes them feel convicted or uncomfortable.  They will instead seek out those who will preach cozy sermons, teaching things they like to hear.  We are in such days now, and there are too many churches concerned about preaching what people want to hear rather than what they need to hear.

Knowing the time was coming when people would "not endure sound doctrine", Paul gave Timothy a powerful yet simple exhortation: "Preach the Word!" He wasn't concerned that it might offend or make someone uneasy, he just said preach it!  I pray especially in these days, that we may be a people who will study the whole counsel of God's Word, and preach it in boldness and love.


Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Jesus Won't Change

"Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever" (Hebrews 13:8).

I was walking through a store the other day and wandered by some tables filled with Father's Day gifts that hadn't been sold.  It was fun seeing all the gifts that the retailers figured dads would like. I noticed that the gifts all had an "old school" theme and then I saw a cassette recorder just like the one I had when I was a kid.  I called Sheila over and when she saw it, she of course told me how much it was like the one she used to have.  As we looked at this new "old" cassette recorder we were both struck with the same thought:  My how things have so quickly changed!

We have all become very accustomed to things changing, in fact, we expect things to change.  New phones and computers are practically outdated the day you buy them.  What is popular in  hair styles, cars, and home furnishings all change.  Today's fashions will be made fun of in a couple of years.  My kids love snickering at pictures of me featuring wide ties or bell bottoms, or my personal favorite really small OP cord shorts!  Of course I just smile because things change, and today's skinny jeans are yesterday's OP shorts.

Though things change you can have joy and stability in resting your life upon Jesus who never changes.  The love and grace that we have in Jesus Christ will never change.  He loves you today the same as He did the day He died for you on the cross.  He loves you on your best days when you are walking strong and feeling holy.  He loves you on your worst days when you are weak and feeling sinful.  You can have a firm foundation in this ever changing world, His name is Jesus!


Monday, June 16, 2014

Smoldering Wick Season

"A bruised reed He will not break,
and a smoking flax He will not quench;
He will bring forth justice for truth" (Isaiah 42:3).

I have known a number of saints who have gone through what could be called smoking flax seasons of life.  There is a weariness from carrying burdens, a spiritual cramping as they run this life's marathon.  The flame of the candle had been blown out and all that remained was smoke and a tiny spark at the end of the wick.  The Lord had not departed but it seemed His fire was gone and His light was faint.

The other night when I blew out a candle after dinner, I dipped my finger in a glass of water and held a little drop over the smoking flax until the drop fell and with a fizzle quenched the small glowing spark at the end of the wick.  I immediately remembered Isaiah 42:3 and thanked the Lord that He will never do that.  His promise is that He will not quench even the most feeble of sparks.

If you are in a smoking flax season, please know that it is the Lord's heart to cup His hand around your heart and by His Spirit to gently breathe upon you until that spark puffs into a flame.  Such is His grace and His tender care for the weak and the weary.  Trust your loving Shepherd who will never forsake you.

Monday, June 2, 2014

No No No

"For the commandment is a lamp, and the law a light; reproofs of instruction are the way of life."
Proverbs 6:23

A dad came to me worried that he might be disciplining his two year old son too much.  What brought on the worry was what had happened a few days earlier.  The dad was sitting in his living room when his little guy came in and started walking around  pointing at things and saying
no, no, no, over and over.

 I have to admit I got a good chuckle out of the story, and after talking to dad, we came to the conclusion that he and his wife aren't going overboard.  At two their little bundle of energy is learning and exploring and pushing limits and greatly in need of "reproofs of instruction", so he is going to hear no, no, no, often.

 Proverbs 6:23 is so very true, "reproofs of instruction are the way of life".  We are in constant need of correction redirection and discipline.  As sheep we have a tendency to wander and get into things that can be harmful.  How blessed we are that our loving Shepherd by His Spirit and through His word patiently protects us by saying no, no, no.

We shouldn't be discouraged by God's correction for it always leads to life. As I've said before,  I look back on my life I realize God has said no to me far more often than he has said yes, and I am so glad that He did. How wonderful it is that God loves us so much that He tells us no!


Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Shepherds With Dull Hearts

 "For the shepherds have become dull-hearted, and have not sought the Lord; therefore they shall not prosper, and all their flocks shall be scattered" (Jer. 10:21).

The young man I was listening to was very bitter as he fired off attacks against Christians and especially against the church.  He had a story that made him an expert on the hypocrisy of all Christians and every church.  You may have heard similar stories yourself. He went to church every Sunday, went on the youth retreats, was in a Christian school k-12 and after graduation he turned bitter toward everything Jesus, and walked away.

I have heard too many stories from prodigals and though it is not the same in the case of every prodigal, I have found a common thread in many stories.  Mom and dad got them to church every Sunday sent them to Christian school, but were never really consistent in their own Christian walks.  The shepherds at home were dull-hearted and were not seeking the Lord.  I have heard too often of two sets of parents, one set of church parents and another different set of parents at home.  Even youngsters can easily discern the duplicity.  

As a pastor I must take Jeremiah 10:21 very seriously, if ever I become dull-hearted it affects not only me but the flock of God. If I am one man in the pulpit and another man outside the pulpit I can easily become part of a prodigals testimony.  I would covet your prayers that I might have a continual fresh walk with Jesus and a fresh anointing of His Spirit.  It is also very important for you parents, the shepherds at home, to heed the words of the prophet that your children will see in you what it is to be Christian men and women.  I'm convinced that the best way to cut back on the prodigal population is for we the shepherds to be living consistently and whole heartedly for Jesus in word and deed.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Spiritual Dehydration

"So shall my word be that goes forth from My mouth;
 it shall not return to Me void, but it shall accomplish what I please, and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it," (Isaiah 55:11).

I was at a picnic the other day with an innumerable amount of children. The day was warm which seemed to slow down the adults, but had little affect on the children. While watching the endless action, I noticed one wise and caring mom, who very consistently called her little daughter over to her to drink some water. Mom felt the heat of the day, and saw her toddler's constant playing.  She didn't wait for her to get thirsty and ask for water, she just lovingly kept her red-faced little one hydrated.

No doubt you know this, but please allow me to be that mom to you. Are you busy, under stress and endlessly running around in these hot days? You need to be drinking in the word of God, don't wait until you are parched and thirsty, drink now! It is so very important for your spiritual health that you partake of the word not once or twice a week, but daily, and perhaps several times a day. Like that little flush-faced girl, you need to be called out of what you are doing and be nourished.

Spiritual dehydration can creep in to your life without you even realizing it, so be disciplined in taking in God's word

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Swallowed Up By Life!

"For we who are in this tent groan, being burdened,
not because we want to be unclothed,
but for the clothed, that mortality may be swallowed up by life (II Cor. 5:4).

The world portrays death as a fearful skeleton figure clothed in a black robe.  With one hand death clutches a sickle and with the other he takes hold of some poor soul who is about to die.

For those of us who are in Christ Jesus, this picture of death couldn't be further from the truth.  I love how Matthew Henry describes death.  He said "death is but a kindly messenger come bid us to the Father".

How marvelous that because of Jesus, we shall not die, only be swallowed up by life!

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Refreshing Humility

"Then Jonathan, Saul's son, arose and went to David in the woods and strengthened his hand in God. And said to him, Do not fear, for the hand of Saul my father shall not find you. You shall be king over Israel,
and I shall be next to you.
Even my father Saul knows that" (1 Samuel 23:16-17).

What a wonderful example of humility we see here in Jonathan. Being King Saul's eldest son, Jonathan was next in line to be king of Israel, yet we don't see him battling to keep his right to be king. Instead, we see him recognizing and submitting to what God is doing. I love the fact that he isn't even trying to hold onto any part of being king. He tells David, "I will be next to you", in other words, I will be your biggest defender and best support.  Jonathan doesn't demand to be co-king or vice-king, he just tells David he will serve him.

How refreshing this is for us, especially in these narcissistic times, when so much energy and time is spent on building image and status through every means possible. It seems every day a new something is revealed in social media to help you tell others about you and all the cool things you are doing. I wonder who would have more followers on Twitter, or Instagram....David or Jonathan?

We invent new titles for what we do, so as to impress.....barista (coffee maker), office administrator (secretary), flight attendant (stewardess), table host (waiter), collector of external residue (trash collector), community visionary (pastor!!). Again, how refreshing it is to see the heart of the young man Jonathan as he humbly tells David, "I will be next to you."

Of all people, we who follow Jesus ought to live in humility. In Jesus we see the greatest example of all...that God would become man! Let's be determined to live our lives free of selfish ambition, and oh, how refreshing that is.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Vigilant Prayer

"Continue earnestly in prayer,
being vigilant in it with thanksgiving;"
Colossians 4:2

I can't remember ever doing this, but I'm sure some of you have had this happen to you. You're in a conversation with someone and while the other person is speaking, a thought enters your brain or you get distracted, and stop listening. They continue to speak thinking they have your ear, but they don't, your expression may say you are listening but your attention isn't there. Then the unthinkable happens, the other person stops speaking and you realize they just asked you a question. They're waiting for an answer from you and all they get is a blank stare, because you have no clue what they asked. Of course I'm teasing when I say that I've never done that, it's happened and I've been embarrassed, and we can all agree it's a bit rude. I bring this up so that we can apply it to our conversations with God in prayer.

The Apostle Paul uses the word vigilant when speaking of our prayers for good reason. It means to be awake and watchful & to pay strict attention. If you're in prayer it's very important to be vigilant because you are in a conversation with God. Think about that for a moment, you are talking to and hearing from the God of the universe, this great privilege deserves our full attention. Even as I write this I feel conviction for the number of times I have been distracted or let my thoughts wander while praying. I cringe when I realize there are times in my prayers I've been disrespectful to my Jesus.

We all recall the apostles falling asleep in the garden when Jesus had asked them to be praying. If there was ever a time they should have been vigilant in prayer it seems it would have been that night in Gethsemane, but the weakness of their flesh got the best of them. Knowing that we all share in this same weakness, it would be wise to determine to be more serious and disciplined in prayer, giving the Lord our best time and attention. The Holy Spirit knows our weakness also, thus the command to be vigilant, for when we are strong in prayer we are strong in the Lord. When you pray, be alert and watchful!

Monday, April 7, 2014

In Due Season

"A man has joy by the answer of his mouth,
and a word spoken  in due season, how good it is."  (Proverbs 15:23)

A good farmer has the wisdom and patience to plant the right seeds during the right season so that those seeds will produce a fruitful harvest.  Of course to plant seeds during the wrong season would be a waste of seeds and would bear no fruit.

Solomon takes this simple, yet important farming principle and applies it to the spoken word.  We are first to be careful of the words we speak, then be careful when we speak those words.

As a pastor, there have been many times when I have the right words to say, I know exactly what a person needs to hear, but the Lord will stop me from speaking.  The season for planting was wrong, perhaps more plowing is needed, or softening of the heart.  Maybe the words would be more well- received coming from another.  I had good wisdom to share, but discernment said to hold that wisdom until the right season when it will bear good fruit.

Do you have something to share with your spouse, child or friend?  Pray first for the clarity and truth in what you say, then pray again for discernment as to the right season to share.  It may be that the Lord will have you hold your tongue.  If so, don't fret, trust the Lord. If this is a truth that they need to hear, God is more than able to deliver it to them when their heart is ready and it will bring forth much good fruit.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Corruptible Knees

"For this corruptible must put on incorruption,
and this mortal must put on immortality."
1Cor. 15:53

A few days ago I was going for a short three-mile run. I was very happy, it was a warm day and I was running outside on the streets for the first time after a foot injury. I was feeling really good and had gone a little over a mile, when suddenly out of nowhere there was a sharp pain in my right knee that shot up to my hip. My first reaction was... what now! I kept running and limped a bit until the pain subsided, I was able to finish the run feeling great, but still have no clue what happened with my knee.

The incident got me thinking about 1 Corinthians 15:53 as I was reminded that I have corruptible knees and a mortal body.

Paul refers to our bodies as corruptible and mortal because our bodies are decaying and they won't last forever. The day we are born we start to age, this aging isn't bad at first, in fact I used to look forward to birthdays and getting older! I'm not sure at what age I decided that getting older wasn't such fun, I just know it was a few birthdays ago.

Many see this aging process as depressing, but as Christians it's not depressing, for we have an eternal perspective. We understand that these bodies of ours are temporal, but in Christ, one exciting glorious day we will be clothed with incorruption and immortality. That day...that glorious day isn't here yet, so until then, let that aching knee and sore back remind you that your body and the things of this earth are passing away. Therefore, set your hearts not on that which is earthly and passing away, but on Jesus, the heavenly and the eternal.

Saturday, March 22, 2014

No Shortcuts

 "Therefore, the king asked advice, made the calves of gold, and said to the people, 'it is too much for you to go up to Jerusalem. Here are your gods, O Israel, which brought you from the land of Egypt!' (I Kings 12:28).

Israel had divided into two, the northern and the southern kingdom.  Jeroboam, king of the northern kingdom feared that if the people went to Jerusalem to worship at the temple, their hears might be drawn back to their southern brethren.  Therefore, he made a new altar for the people to worship at so they wouldn't have to go to Jerusalem.

Notice how he appealed to the people? He told them that going to Jerusalem was too much of a inconvenient to go such a long way.  He told them to stay up north, that it was easier. There was an altar and a temple there.  Sadly, the people listened.

Part of the appeal of Jeroboam was to make religion convenient and easy.  Do you realize that a solid walk with the Lord is not always easy?  Spiritual disciplines are not always easy.  There are no shortcuts to spending time in the Word and in just need to do it.  Our busy lives at times makes it inconvenient to get to church on Sunday or midweek.

Our flesh will always be lured by the call of Jeroboam...'it's too much of a hassle'....'let's not listen'.  A theologian coined the phrase "easy believism".  His point was in reality there is no such thing.  The flesh will always look for the easy, convenient shortcut, but there is none if we long for a vibrant walk with Jesus.  Let's set our hearts to be disciplined in the Word, prayer and fellowship!

Saturday, March 15, 2014

What Time Is It?

"I will plant them in their land, and no longer shall they be pulled up from the land I have given them, says the Lord your God." Amos 9:15

Our generation has been blessed to witness one of the most tremendous fulfillments of Biblical prophecy. God prophesied that His people Israel would be dispersed among the nations, but one day He would gather them back to their land, and they would inhabit it and prosper there. After two thousand years this was fulfilled as Jews from around the world came back to their homeland and Israel became a nation again in 1948.

Israel becoming a nation again ought to fill us with great zeal, not only because it's exciting to see prophesy fulfilled, but because these prophesies state that this would happen in the latter days. When the Jews came back to their land, it was as if pieces of a puzzle began to be put into place, all pointing to the return of the Messiah, Jesus Christ. If you wonder what time it is (prophetically speaking), look at world events, but most especially look at what's happening in Israel.

These days it isn't real popular to speak about the Lord coming back soon. There are many who say it's escapism or a distraction that causes the church to lose focus. I have seen how it has become a distraction for some, but the Lord told us what to watch for concerning His return so that we might sharpen our focus and be more bold in the gospel as the day approaches.

Have you ever wondered why we have been raised up in these days? Amazing! "So you also, when you see all these things, know that it is near, at the doors!" (Matthew 24:33)

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Sown Much, And Bring In Little

Now therefore, thus says the Lord of hosts: "Consider your ways! You have sown much, and bring in little; your eat, but do not have enough; your drink, but you are not filled with drink; you clothe yourselves, but no one is warm; and he who earns wages, earns wages to put into a bag with holes."
Haggai 1:5-6

The other day I was at the gym and did my cardio work on a treadmill. When I had finished, I checked the machine and it told me how long I had been running, how many calories I had burned and that I had had run four miles. I had worked up a decent sweat and my heart rate was up so I knew that I worked hard, but the fact is, in reality I didn't go four miles because I was standing in the exact same place I was when I began the treadmill workout.

I tell you this story because it is a great picture of the way many people live their lives. They expend a great deal of energy and are working very hard, but when it comes to that which matters most, the eternal and spiritual, they get nowhere. There are far too many who have laid up their treasures here on earth, who have set their hearts on earthly gain, and sadly when it is all said and done will be left with nothing.

The Lord calls you to consider your ways. Are you expending most your time and energy on the temporal or the eternal, on earthly or the heavenly? As you commit your ways to the Lord He will give you a new perspective and new priorities that your life might have lasting eternal fruit. Don't work so hard for nothing, seek His kingdom first!

Sunday, February 23, 2014

The Right Priorities, Now

"In the first year of his reign, in the first month,
he opened the doors of the house of the Lord and repaired them."
2 Chronicles 29:3

King Ahaz was not a good king. We are told that he was unfaithful to God, that he worshiped the gods of Syria, shut up the doors of the house of the Lord, and set up altars to false gods in every corner of Jerusalem. All this brought ruin upon him and upon Israel.

After Ahaz died, his son, Hezekiah took the throne. Though his dad was a rotten king, amazingly Hezekiah was a very good king who honored the Lord. He became king at the age of 25, and we see right away that this young king would establish his throne on the right priorities. He did not begin his reign focusing on civil programs, but had the wisdom to know his people needed spiritual renewal. What encourages me the most about this young king is that he didn't wait to get the right priorities set. We learn in 2 Chronicles 29:3 that he re-opened the temple in the very first month of his reign, and later in the chapter we are told that they began to sanctify the temple on the first day of the first month. What an example of godly leadership, he knew the spiritual priority, he saw what needed to be done, and he didn't wait, he did it!

Hezekiah understood the ruin his father had brought upon Israel by turning from the Lord, so when he began his reign it was first things first. He began to turn the nation's heart back to God. Is there an area of your spiritual walk that you know has been closed up or neglected? Is there something that you know you need to do to be stronger in the Lord? First things first, don't wait, don't put it off, honor the Lord, do it, no excuses, start today!

Saturday, February 15, 2014

All In

When He had called the people to Himself, with His disciples also,
He said to them, "Whoever desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me." Mark 8:34

I saw some athletes wearing matching shirts with their team motto written in capital letters on the back. I've seen the two word motto used before and I like the message, because it's a simple but powerful call to total dedication. On the back of the shirts it just said "ALL IN".

When Jesus calls us unto Himself, His call is one that calls us to be
"ALL IN". The Lord doesn't play around when He calls us to follow Him. When Jesus uses the term, pick up the cross, it literally means to be willing to die, and that is not being partially in, or mostly in, but "ALL IN".

I just saw a new Gallup poll that said the 70% of Americans are very or moderately religious. I understand what it is to be very religious, but I have to wonder, what is it to be moderately religious? Is it really possible to be moderately religious? I look at religious commitment to be somewhat like the marriage commitment, is it possible to be moderately married? I really believe a core weakness of the church in these days is a refusal to count the cost of being true followers of Jesus.

Jesus is very clear, there is no such thing as being moderately Christian. If you are going to follow Jesus, He calls you to be "ALL IN". Lord Jesus, every one of us is weak, revive our strength by Your Spirit that we may put away any half-hearted lukewarm ways and follow you with all our might. Amen!

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Heart of Flesh


"Then I will give them one heart, and I will put a new spirit within them,
and take the stony heart out of their flesh, and give them a heart of flesh."
Ezekiel 11:19

The heart of man's problem is the heart of man. We can come up with the most well-designed, reasonable and intellectual arguments, but if the heart of the listener is callous, the argument will fall flat. Billy Graham tells the story of when he spent a long time answering the questions of a college student. He finally asked the young man if he would commit his life to Jesus if his questions were all answered. The student said that he wouldn't, and so Billy knew his issue was not one of the head, but one of the heart.

In my years of ministry, I have seen over and again that even sound Godly wisdom, and direct bulls-eye preaching have no affect on the hardened heart. The preaching and wisdom just bounce off the heart like a dart striking a brick wall. The stony heart needs to be replaced with a heart of flesh, and that miracle begins with our prayers.

We are all called into the heart-changing business, which would lead us to wrestle and weep and plead with those we love. Let us begin by wrestling and weeping and pleading in prayer.

May God break out hearts to bring others to our Savior's love, the only love that can soften hearts

Saturday, February 1, 2014


"But at midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the prisoners were listening" (Acts 16:25).

The above verse begins with the word "but", which leads us to a contrast or a change of direction in the narrative which might be unexpected. You see, Paul and Silas had been arrested, beaten with many stripes, and thrown into the darkest, coldest part of the prison at Philippi without any trial. One might expect the noise coming from Paul and Silas' cell to be cursing or complaining, "but" what was heard was the peace of prayer and worship unto God. Notice too, that the other prisoners were listening, and we can only imagine how amazed they must have been by this powerful witness.

The way we live our lives in Christ ought to serve as a contrast to the world. How we respond when we suffer loss or are hurt or offended can be a powerful testimony. Just as the inmates in that dark prison listened to Paul and Silas, there are neighbors and co-workers and relatives watching and listening to us. When something difficult or hurtful happens, and they expect to see anger or vengeance in us, "but" see peace and forgiveness, it speaks volumes of the reality of Jesus in our hearts.

Paul and Silas were not robotic Christians who felt no physical or emotional pain. They most certainly hurt, but in the midst of the hurt they magnified the Lord so they were able to respond as the Lord, and it was dynamic. What an example we have here from Paul and Silas, I pray it will stir us to be different, and be determined to live as powerful testimonies to our Jesus.  

Thursday, January 23, 2014

I Was Blind....

 "....One thing I know: that though I was blind, now I see."
John 9:25

One of my favorite events in the Gospels is in John Chapter 9. Jesus had healed a blind man, and the exchanges between the Pharisees and this healed man are telling and powerful, even humorous. These religious hypocrites were angry and frustrated as their arguments could not defeat this simple man. This man was able to silence them not with great theological understanding, or debating skills, but with the powerful testimony of what Jesus had done for him. He simply stated "I was blind, now I see". This was undeniable, couldn't be argued with, and baffled the religious leaders.

It is very important to know the foundational scriptures for your faith. It is also very important to know how to share your faith and to have key salvation passages committed to memory so you are ready and able at any moment to point others to Christ. A great reminder we get from the man whom Jesus healed, is that there is also powerful significance to our personal testimony. People can argue evolution and morality, philosophy and ethics, but it is very hard to argue with a changed life. All who have come to salvation in Jesus have a testimony, we all have our "I was blind, now I see" story, and that is dynamic proof of the reality of our Savior.

There seems to be a growing wave of attacks against our faith. These attacks are not new and I am glad for the multitude of great answers to the questions and arguments thrown our direction. And while we should study and know these answers, let's always remember that Jesus came not to win arguments but to change lives. Dust off and add to your testimony and be reminded of His dynamic power in changing your life. All of us can say: "I was lost, but now I'm found! I was dead, now I'm alive! I was blind, now I see!"

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Not The Bride Alone


"And the Spirit and the bride say, 'come!'
And let him who hears say, 'come!' And let him who thirsts come.
Whoever desires, let him take of the water of life freely"
(Rev. 22:17).

When I was in my early twenties I felt the call of God to be a pastor. It made sense to me that if I was going to be a pastor I would need a church, so I decided to start one. It began with a home fellowship, and I was confident it would explode into a mega-church.

The fellowship went really well, the people were faithful, sweet and seemed blessed, but there was very little growth. I felt called to be a pastor, but a church wasn't happening so I became very frustrated. One night I let my frustration out on the little fellowship rebuking them for the lack of growth. I still cringe when I think about it. I was being led by what I wanted, not by the Lord, and that very night, after the Lord's rebuke, understood that while I was called to pastor a church, I wasn't ready just yet.

Revelation 22:17 is our church verse. Notice that the church does not cry 'come!' by itself, it is the Spirit and the bride together who call out. I learned an important lesson in that attempt to start a church. I had the desire and passion, I was willing to sacrifice and work hard, but I wasn't being led by the Holy Spirit.

When Calvary Chapel Living Word was started, it clearly was by the moving of the Holy Spirit and we have seen confirmation of that over and again.  Please pray for CCLW in this new year, that we will continue to be a church clearly led by the Spirit of God. May His Spirit freely move among us, and may the fruit and power of the Spirit be evident in all we do.